In case you need something extra (stability, backrest, support) to go biking we offer you our threewheel e-bikes made by Van Raam.
We’ve got a 2-person variety, the Fun2Go on which you sit side-by-side. Easily adjustable and comes with a variety of extra’s like footsupports, adjustable seats, seatbelt, reverse gear, basket.
The other one is a 1-person’s threewheeled e-bike – easy rider, equipped with seat and reverse gear.
Please use the ‘Book’-button below even if you are not looking for single day or week-rental; any period goes. Take into account that the daily rental fee is minimal, you cannot rent a part of the day at reduced price. For multi-day rates, there is a table in which you can find the rental fee (from 4 days on there’s a discount applicable)
Easyrider 1 day rental
An easyrider threewheeled e-bike with a fully charged batterie.-
Free delivery (max 15 km around Bergen NH)
Including adjusting and explanation
At your disposal until 22.00
Easyrider 1 week rental
An easyrider threewheeled e-bike with a fully charged batterie and a charger.-
Free delivery (max 15 km around Bergen NH)
Including adjusting and explanation
At your disposal until 22.00
Fun2Go duobike 1 day rental
A 2person threewheeler e-bike, completely with 2 batteries.-
Free delivery (max 15 km around Bergen NH)
Including adjusting and explanation
At your disposal until 22.00
Fun2Go duobike 1 week rental
A 2person threewheeler e-bike, completely with 2 batteries and a charger.-
Free delivery (max 15 km around Bergen NH)
Including adjusting and explanation
At your disposal until 22.00
Take into consideration that these threewheel e-bikes can only be booked/reserved if we get the full rental fee transferred in advance. There is no refund when you are cancelling.
In case you want to book a VanRaam bike please go to our booking form (it’s in Dutch but you’ll manage)
If you want to check for availability just give us a call. We speak english as well. Take into account that the reservation of a threewheel e-bike is on a pay-in-advance basis only and there’s no refunds in case of cancellation. It’s how we keep prices (very) low.
In case of illness or terrible weather you might be disappointed to not be able to cancel and get a refund.