These are the conditions when renting at Foets

We made an attempt to translate the terms ad conditions yet the huurvoorwaarden are the leading terms and conditions. Anyone who uses materials which are Foets’ property is considered to be a renter, even when no payment is required. By using the materials you agree with these terms and conditions. 

In case a contract involves more than 1 renter, the first liable is the person entering the contract.

There is a standard assurance with your rental contract that has a treshold of € 450,- in case of damage or theft outside of your fault.  

Before accepting an e-bike you are entitled to make a short test drive to establish absence of defects. Any defects found there will be repaired immediately or another e-bike will be provided. In case you return the e-bike damaged or defected (not suitable for rental) you are charged with the cost of repair. In case a bike needs repair during your ride you call with Foets for repair or replacement. Usually free of charge however, your conduct may not lead to damaging the materials.  

Renter promises to take good care of the rented materials.

A renter does this by a.o. :

  • In case a malfunction or defect occurs you immediately call Foets or arrange repair. Foets is usually available for immediate service. 
  • Use the e-bikes only on roads with asphalt , brick or seashells. Never expose the e-bike to seawater or puddles. 
  • The e-bike is suitable only for 1 adult person (optionally accompanied by a child of max 3 Years old in a suitable children’s seat). Older children are impossible to bring on the e-bike. 
  • Park your e-bike in a way you are no nuisance to others.  
  • Always lock your e-bike when parking. Attach your e-bike to a tree, fence or pole so a thief is unable to bring it in locked state. A chain is provided with the e-bike.

In case your e-bike gets stolen you need to hand over the key(s) and a police report. You will be charged with a sum of € 450,- per stolen e-bike. 

Foets can not be held accountable for any damage or harm caused by using the rented materials. 

Using the materials on public roads is always accompanied by risk. 

Return policy:

In case your unable to meet the return time, give us a call and we will reschedule, usually this is no problem. 


Gedurende de reserverings- en huurperiode bewaart Foets klantgegevens en zal deze ook gebruiken om met de klant af te kunnen stemmen. Na de huurperiode bewaart Foets klantgegevens korte termijn als dekking voor eventueel verborgen schades. Huurder blijft eigenaar van zijn eigen gegevens en Foets verwijdert alle huurdergegevens op verzoek van huurder op elk gewenst moment. Foets gebruikt huurdergegevens nooit voor het versturen van reclame of anderszins, noch zal Foets huurdergegevens doorverkopen of doorgeven aan derden.

Foets behoudt zich het recht voor om de lokatie van het gehuurde via technische weg op te vragen middels GPS-systeem dat in/aan het gehuurde is bevestigd.

Speciale machtiging in afwijking van de privacypolicy

In geval van diefstal door klant (niet retourneren van het gehuurde) machtigt de klant Foets om, door middel van mobiele telefoon-gegevens, bankgegevens, accommodatieverhuurder, foto id-bewijs of andere bewijsstukken de woonplaats, adres en andere relevante gegevens op te vragen bij bank, mobiele telefoonmaatschappij of overheidsinstantie. Kosten die Foets hierbij maakt komen additioneel voor rekening van de dief/klant. De klant verklaart middels deze verhuurovereenkomst akkoord te zijn met deze bepaling.